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When tim'ronus nature veils her form,
And rolling thunder ſpreads alarm,
Then ah! ho ſoft, when lull'd the ſtorm,
The fun ſmiles forth at even.
Taſte life's, &c.

Who ſpleen and envy anxios flies,
And meek content in humble guiſe,
Improves the ſhrub, a tree ſhall riſe,
Which golden fruits ſhall yield him.
Taſte lif's &c.

Who ſoftens faith in upright breaſt,
And freely gives to the diſtreſs'd,
There ſweet contentment builds her neſt,
And flutters round her boſom.
Taſte life's. &c.

And when life's path grow dark and ſtrait,
And preſſing ills on ills await,
Then Friendſhip, ſorrow to abate,
The helping nand will offer.
Taſte life's. &c.

She dries his tears, ſhe ſtrews his way
Even to the grave. with flow'rets gay,
Turns night to morn, and morn to day,
And plessure ſtill increaſes.
Taſte life's, &c.

Of life she is the faireſt band.
Join brothers truly hand in hand;
Thus onward to a better land,
Man journies light and cheerly,
Taſte life's, &c.