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YO, YEA, or, The Good Ship KITTY.

Down top-gallant-ſails, ſtand by braces,
for now we have weather'd the ſea,
Would you, lads, ſee the girls pretty faces,
ſafe moor'd at anchor-Yo, yea.

I ſail'd in she good Ship Kitty,
with a ſtiff blowing gale and rough ſea,
Left my Polly, the lads call so pretty,
ſafe at anchor here-Yo, yea.

She blubber'd ſalt tears when we parted,
and cried, N be conſtant to me,
I told her not to be down-hearted,
ſo up went the anchor-Yo, yea.

From this time no worſe, nor no better,
for nothing was thought of but she ;
Could grog or gin make me forget her?
ſhe's my cable und anchor-Yo, yea.

When the wind wiſtled larboard and ſtarboard;
and the ſtorm came on the weather and lee,
The hope that I with her ſhould be harbour'd,
was my cable and anchor-Yo, yea.

And now, my boys, would you believe me,
I return'd with rhino from ſea;
But Miſs Polly would not receive me,
ſo again I heav'd anchor-Yo, yea.
