When Willy, wand’ring thro’ the wood.
who for her favour oft had fu’d,
He gaz'd, he wiſh'd, he fear d, he bluſh'd;
and trembled when he ſtood.
Her cloſed eyes, like weapons ſheath’d,
were ſeal'd in ſoft repoſe,
Her lips ſtill as the fragrance breath’d,
it richer dy’d the roſe :
The ſpringing lillies ſweetly preſs'd,
wild wanton kiſs’d her rival breaſt;
He gaz’d, he wiſh’d, he fear’d, he bluſh’d.
His boſom ill at reſt.
Her robe light waving in the breeze,
her tender limbs embrace ;
Her lovely form, her native eaſe,
all harmony and grace !<
Tumultuous tides his pulses roll,
a flatt'ring ardent kiſs he ſtole:
He gaz’d, he wiſh’d, he fear’d, he bluſh’d,
and ſigh’d his very ſoul !
As flies the partridge from the brake,
on fear-inſpired wings,
So Nelly ſtartling half-awake,
away affrighted ſprings:
But Willy follow'd as he ſhould,
he overtook her in the wood ;
He vow'd, he pray'd, he found the maid
forgiving all and good.