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Haſte then to the glen, my Mary.
ere ſummer frae us will be gane:
O ſay that thou loveſt me, Mary,
"'twill caſe my fond heart o'its pain.


THE pride of all nature was ſweet Willy O,
The pride of all nature was ſweet Willy O;
The firſt of all ſwains;
He gladden'd the plains;
None ever was like to the ſweet Willy O.

He ſung it ſo rarely did ſweet Willy O,
He ſung it &c.
He melted each maid,
So ſkilful he play'd,
No ſhepherd e'er pip'd like the ſweet Willy O.

All nature obey'd him, the ſweet Willy O,
All nature. &c.
Wherever he came,
Whatever had rame,
Whenever he ſung, follow'd ſweet Willy O.

He would be a Soidier, the ſweet Willy O;
He would, &n.
When arm'd in the field
With ſword and with ſhield,
The laurel was won by ſweet Willy O.
