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The laſſie ſlept avont the fire,
Sic a braw hiffey!
Oh! ſhe was a' his heart's deſire,
Daffin down, and daffin down,
Oh! ſhe was, &c.

The laſſie ſhe fell faſt aſleep,
Sic a braw hiffey !
The ſailor cloſe to her did creep,
Daffin down, and daffin down,
The ſailor, &c.

The laſſie waken'd in a fright!
Sic a braw hiffey!
Her maiden-head had ta'en the flight,
Daffin down, and daffin down,
Her maidenhead &c.

She ſought it butt, ſhe ſought it ben,
Sic a braw hiffey!
And in beneath the clocking hen,
Daffin down, and daffin down,
And in beneath, &c.

She ſought it in the owſen-ſtaw,
Sic a braw hiffey!
Na faith, quo' the. it's quite awa';
Daffin down, and daffin down,
Na, faith, &c.