Now blythe and gay an ſetting day,
(illegible text) dinna hinder.
I'll ſing and play wi' Willy gay;
for we twa ne'er ſhall finder.
Wi' Willy then &c.
The Sorrowful Mother.
SLEEP on, my ſweet babie, may nothing diſtreſs thee,
May ſorrow like mine be a ſtranger to thee:
Thy father no more ſhall with rapture care(illegible text)
No more will behold his ſweet babie and me.
Soft(illegible text) be thy reſt thou companion of ſorrow,
The (illegible text)ing of life it looks gloomy on thee:
Thy father has fallen in the lowlands of Holland,
He ſleeps far remote from his babie and me.
Thy father is fallen, our ſtay and protector,
And with thee, my babie, and where ſhall flee?
The world. I'm afraid. will ſadly neglect us.
They feel not the wants of my babie and me.
D(illegible text)mage of him who has left me forever,
T(illegible text)beam of comfort all(illegible text)ted for me :
Thro' clouds of diſtreſs ſhine forth on my mother,
And cheer with a ſmile, her who lives but for thee.