Page:List of Carthusians 1800-1879.djvu/39

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List of Carthusians.

Bourne, Cornelius, 1820, b. 1807.

Bourne, Herbert John, 1875. Son of J. S. Bourne, of Camp Hill, Nuneaton.

Bourne, Joseph Handforth, 1873. Son of Rev. J. G. Bourne, Rector of Broome, Stourbridge, b. 1860.

Bouwens, Charles Augustus Theodore, 1856-61. Son of the late Rev. Theodore Bouwens, b. 1842. Ch. Ch. Oxf. Emigrated to Australia, d. 1874.

Bovell, Alfred Farre, 1851-56. Son of John Roach Bovell (below), b. 1838. British Museum, d. 1860.

Bovell, John, 1815-17. Son of Mr. Bovell, of Barbados. Medical Practitioner, b. 1801, d. 1837.

Bovell, John Roach, 1815. Brother of the above, b. 1803. Silver Medal. Trin. Coll. Cam. d. 1852.

Bovell, Michael Nihell, 1815-18. Brother of the above, b. 1805. Trin. Coll. Cam. Curate of Windlesham, d. 1877.

Bowen, Charles Andrew, 1846-49. Son of Revd. Edward Bowen, of Taughboyne, Donegal, b. 1835. Merchant.

Bowen,* Edward, 1839-46. Brother of the above, b. 1823. Orator. Univ. Coll. Oxf. Archdeacon of Raphoe.

Bowen* (Sir) George Ferguson (Knt.), 1833-40. Brother of the above, b. 1821. Silver Medals. Orator. Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxf. 1st Class Lit. Hum. Fellow of B.N.C. Chief Sec. to the Government of the Ionian Islands 1854-59. Successively Governor of Queensland, New Zealand, Victoria, and Mauritius (1878). Knighted 1860. G.C.M.G.

Bower, Charles Uppleby, 1853-56. Son of Thomas Bower, Hankelow Hall, Nantwich, Chesire, b. 1837. St. John's Coll. Cam. Junior Opt. Formerly Head Master of Stafford Grammar School. Rector of Wolferlow.

Bower, Francis Chivers, 1875. Son of Edward Chivers Bower, oo Wadworth Hall, Doncaster. ———    R.M. Academy, Woolwich.

Bowes, Bernard, 1820, b. 1805.

Bowlby, Henry Thomas, 1877. Son of Rev. H. B. Bowlby, Rector of St. Philip's, Birmingham.