Page:Literary Landmarks of Oxford.djvu/315

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<poem> Magdalen.—Continued. James Bos well, 145. William Camden, 68-69. 140 194. William Collins, 143-144. 213. John Connington, 149, 244-245. Samuel Daniel, 140-141. John Foxe, 52-53. 139. Edward Gibbon, 145-147. John Richard Green, 149. George Home, 144-145. 241. Samuel Johnson, 145. John Lyly, 140. Charles Reade, 148. William Tyndale, 138-139. John Wilkins, 249-251. John Wilson, 147-148. George Withers, 141-142. Magdalen Grammar School, 116. 149. 150. Magdalen Hall. (See Magdalen College.) Merton, 72. 184. 157-168. Roger Bacon, 161-162. Thomas Bodley, 140. 163-164. Chaucer, 162. Edward Henry Manning, 168. Richard Steele, 168. Anthony Wood, 164-168. John Wycliffe, 28. 162. Merton Chapel, 164. 167. Merton Street, 164. Mitre Inn, 21-22.

New, 110. 171-175. Sidney Smith, 174-175. Edward Young, 20. 87. 173-174. New College School, 173. New Inn Hall Street, 18. Norham Gardens, 151.

Old Broad Walk, 72. Oriel, 179-189. Matthew Arnold, 184. Thomas Arnold, 183. Arthur Hugh Clough, 43-44. 184. Erasmus, 188. Edward Augustus Freeman, 186-187. Theodore Edward Hook, 189. Thomas Hughes, 184-186. John Keble, 92. 182. John Henry Newman, 183. 233-234. Walter Raleigh, 181. Sidney Smith, 174-175. Gilbert White, 181-182. Oriel Street, 187. Oxford Union, 18. 252.

Pembroke, 193-205. Francis Beaumont, 196. William Blackstone, 20-21. 204-205. Thomas Browne, 194. 195-196. William Camden, 68-69. 140. 194. Richard Graves, 203-204. Fulke Greville, 194-195. John Heywood, 193-194. Samuel Johnson, 196-202. 229-230. William Shenstone, 200. 202-203. 204. George Whitfield, 204. Pusey House, 57.

Queens's, 209-218. Joseph Addison, 142-143. 212. Jeremy Bentham, 213-214. William Collins, 143. 213. Thomas Hearne, 216-218. Francis Jeffrey, 215. William Mitford, 214. Walter Pater, 56. 215. Thomas Tickell, 212-213.