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Fifth Series,
Volume XIX.
No. 1730. — August 11, 1877. From Beginning

I. Virgil, as a Link between the Ancient and Modern World, Contemporary Review, 323
II. The Little Old Man of the Batignolles. A Chapter from a Detective's Memoir. Translated for The Living Age, from the French of Emile Gaborain, 334
III. Morality in Politics. By the Duke of Argyll, Contemporary Review, 345
IV. Pauline. By L. B. Walford, author of "Mr. Smith," etc. Part X., Blackwood's Magazine, 353
V. Life and Times of Thomas Becket. By James Anthony Froude. Part II., Nineteenth Century, 360
VI. Green Pastures and Piccadilly. By William Black. Part XXIII., Examiner, 368
VII. Dresden China and its Manufactory at Meissen, Saxony, Blackwood's Magazine, 372
VIII. The Peak in Darien: the Riddle of Death. By Frances Power Cobbe, New Quarterly Review, 374
IX. Unsuspected Ways of Earning a Livelihood, Chambers' Journal, 379
X. Famous English Printers, Globe, 381
XI. Good Matches Truth, 383
XII. On the Trees and Shrubs of the South of France which Perish in Severe Winters Popular Science Review, 384
Variations The Right Hon. Sir George Mellish, 322
 I. - Outward Bound, 322  June, 322
II. - Spring is here, 322 A Woman's "No", 322




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