May our prayer ever rise to Thee, O Lord, and in Thy loving kindness may it reach even unto Thine ears. Through, etc.
Grant, O Lord God Almighty, that we may serve Thee with willing hearts.
Grant us, O Lord, that we may wholly dedicate ourselves to Thy service, and so obtain Thy mercy.
Receive, O Lord, our prayers, and graciously incline Thine ear to us who cry to Thee.
Do Thou look down upon us, O God, who art our Redeemer, and grant us that we may serve Thee faithfully all the days of our life.
Release us, O God, we beseech Thee, from the bondage of our sins, and shield us from the ills which through them we have deserved.
May our prayers rise to Thee, O Lord, and do Thou ward off all evil chance from Thy Holy Church.
Deign to hear those who cry to Thee, O God. Rescue us from the depth of our iniquity, and lead us to Thy eternal joys.
O God Almighty, regard not our offences; and may Thy only mercy help our unworthiness.