O Loving Lord and God, ever ready to listen to the prayers of Thy servants, I most earnestly beseech Thee to hearken to me. To Thee do I pray, trusting to the help and merits of the blessed and glorious Mary, ever a virgin, and of all the holy Angels, Archangels, and heavenly powers, of the holy Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, of the Evangelists, Martyrs, and Confessors, of the Virgins and Monks, and of all the citizens of heaven, that Thou wouldst increase the faith of Thy Holy Catholic Church; beseeching Thee that Thou wouldst give peace to our rulers; that Thou wouldst forgive us our sins; that Thou wouldst restore health to the sick, and afford to the fallen the means to repair the error of their ways; that for those in captivity and bondage, and for those who are journeying in foreign countries, Thou wouldst obtain freedom and help to return to their native land; that Thy faithful servants who are travellers on sea or on land may have a prosperous voyage, and at length reach a haven of safety; that those who are in trouble may find consolation, and those who suffer oppression comfort and relief; that Thou wilt in Thy love send Thy holy angel to be our guide and protector here, and wheresoever we may be;