we pray that Thou wouldst make us partakers of eternal happiness. Thou hast brought down from heaven true life into the world. We acknowledge Thee as that Bread of Life which strengthens the heart of man, for whosoever shall come to Thee shall never hunger, whosoever shall believe in Thee shall not thirst for ever. Thy flesh, O God Omnipotent, is verily food, and Thy blood, O Jesus, is drink to Thy faithful children. By this mystery Thou hast redeemed us from death, O Lord, in order that we might live in Thee with constancy and heedfulness. Deign, therefore, we beseech Thee, to let us partake in this Holy Mystery to the praise of Thy name. It is Thy commandment, O Christ, that we love one another; helped by this Thy gift, we are enabled to fulfil this law. Thus is Thy charity poured forth into our souls, till at length love of others so springs up in our hearts that no wicked hatred, nor deep envy, nor strong malice can remain in them. For the sake of Thy Holy Body, pardon the faults we have committed through the frailty of our flesh. O Christ, who alone art all pure, by the power of Thy grace wash away every spot from our minds, and every stain from our souls. O God, who art the true peace, keep our souls undisturbed, we beseech Thee, and our minds at rest in Thee; for where there is peace Thou