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Thy kindness grant that, as in Thy love Thou hast created them for eternity, so Thou wilt cleanse them from all stains of sin, and in pity wilt pardon their offences, that by Thy help they may deserve to attain to the fulness of eternal salvation. Through, etc.

Another Prayer

O God, who hast poured forth upon the hearts of Thy faithful sons the gift of charity, through the grace of the Holy Spirit give health of mind and body to Thy servants N, and to all my benefactors, for whom I crave Thy mercy, that they may love Thee with all their strength, and may with grateful hearts ever do what is pleasing in Thy sight. Through, etc


Extend from on high, O Lord, the saving strength of Thy right hand to all Thy faithful people, to Bishops, Abbots, Canons, Monks, Kings, and Rulers; to my kindred, and to all who have commended themselves to my prayers, or who have assisted me. By Thy help may they seek after Thee with all their strength, and obtain what they worthily desire. Through, etc.