Give me to find the help of Thy grace when the dread hour of death shall come upon me.
Grant, O Jesus, that I may deserve to join in singing this heavenly hynm to Thee when the dread hour of death shall come upon me.
And may I then have grace to say: To Thee, my God, be praise, glory, and all honour: To Thee be renown, power, and majesty, through endless ages dread for ever.
Our Father.
Thou who didst come on earth to suffer for us: O Lord have mercy on us.
Christ our Lord was made obedient unto death, even unto the death of the Cross.
Thou who in prophecy hast said: " O death, I will be thy death," O Lord have mercy on us.
Thou who hast drawn all ages to Thine arms outstretched on the Cross: O Lord have mercy on us.