secrated and exalted by the sacred body of Christ, and adorned as with bright jewels by His sacred blood. Help me, wretched sinner though I am, who yet am the servant of Him who died upon thee: help me, through the same Lord and Saviour who through thee redeemed the world. Amen. Our Father.
O good Cross, thy glory and thy worth dost spring from having touched the limbs of Him, my Lord, whom I worship with my whole heart, whom I desire with every fibre of my being. Amen.
Our Father.
O Cross worthy to be adored! thou art my hope, my salvation, my consolation, for on thee didst hang my Redeemer for the sake of whose precious blood thou didst merit to have our prayers offered through thee. Amen.
Our Father.
I adore Thy Cross, O Lord, and I praise and glorify Thy holy resurrection. Thou who didst deign to be born, to suffer, die, and rise again from the dead, save me and take pity on me. May the sign of Thy Cross be upon me and shield me from all evil, both within and without, past, present, and to come. Amen.