never sleeps, my defence that never fails: O Christ, who in Heaven art the stay of the Angels, be now and for ever my propitiator with the Father. O Mediator between God and man, I beseech Thee, through Thy Passion and the redemption of Thy life-giving Cross, that when Thou shalt please to call me from this world, Thou wilt send the Angel of Peace to guard my soul and conduct it to the place of rest, and enable it to pass unscathed through the ranks of the rulers and powers of darkness. And, O Jesus Christ my Lord, may all who in that hour pray and plead for me find the ears of Thy mercy open to their cries.
Our Lord's Ears have to listen to blasphemies
O King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for my sake, who am but a lowly sinner, Thou didst allow Thy ears, which never hearkened to aught against the inward will of the Father, to fail in death. Grant Thy merciful pardon to one whose ears have been so deeply polluted by a wilful listening to evil. O may it not be my lot in the hour of the coming judgment to hear that sentence I have truly deserved: " Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire." O Jesus Christ my Lord, by the intense ardour of Thy love, let me not be separated from Thee for ever. Amen.