my Body and drinks My Blood, shall abide in Me and I in him," in Thy unspeakable mercy so help me that I may receive the fruit of this Thy promise.
Our Lord in the Tomb
True giver of everlasting life and bestower of perpetual light; buried in the tomb, Thou didst will to dispel the darkness of hell and of earth. By the memory of Thy sacred Body, which rested incorrupt in the grave, grant that after my death, my soul, though most unworthy, may not be found in the prison of hell. Against Thee alone, as the Innocent One, the brazen gates of hell have not prevailed; Thou hast broken the iron bars which fastened them, hast set at liberty the captives, and hast led captivity captive. Do Thou then, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, save me from the hands of my enemies, and bring me into the holy place Thy hands have prepared for me.
Our Lord's Resurrection
O Christ, Thou art the life of the dying, the health of the sick, the only hope of those in misery, and the resurrection of all that are dead. O Jesus Christ my Lord, who on the third day