I acknowledge my iniquity, I know my offences, I confess my sins, I proclaim my unworthiness, I see my soul stained with all pollution. But, O Virgin Mary, who art incomparable in thy love, do thou by thy holy prayers soften and turn aside the just wrath of the Lord my God.
O holy Mother of Christ, extend thy help to those who in sorrow fly to thee for aid; assist and cherish all who trust in thee; pray for thy clients in this world; plead in behalf of the clergy, intercede for monks, entreat for women, O Mary, Mother of God.
O holy and unspotted Virgin Mary, the solace and life of the faithful; from thee the Author of our salvation willed to take flesh; with deep-drawn sighs I beg thy help and plead for thy devoted intervention with thy own Son in my behalf. I am but a wretched and ungrateful sinner, but through thee, whatsoever is amiss in my life, or hurtful to my soul's health, may He blot out and correct; whatever is useful and profitable, may He plant and strengthen. Let