Courtship in Nature, 103.
Crooks, Mrs. Will, 89.
Davenport, C. B., 143.
Darwin, Major Leonard, 166.
Davies, 51.
Drayton, 51.
Dundas, C., 92.
East, E. M., 176.
Education, 14.
in Old England, 16.
in Old France, 17, 19.
Electra-complex, 22.
Eliot, George, 31.
Ellis, Mrs. Havelock, 68, 69, 96.
English social history, 15, 16, 79, 159, 164.
Erotic claims of women, 112.
Erotic personality, 121.
Eugenics, 134 et seq.
Ewart, 141.
Family, sex in life of, 22 et seq., 78.
Feeblemindedness, 143.
Feudal education, 19.
Francis of Assisi, St., 58.
Freernan, Austin, 99, 177.
French social history, 17, 19, 81, 159, 173.
Freud, 33, 46, 52.
Frink, H. W., 131.
Fuller, B. A. G., 171.
Galton, Sir Francis, 134, 139, 140, 144, 145.
Girls, emancipated, 27.
Goddard, 143.
Goethe, 179.
Gratian, 79.
Greeks, eugenics amongst ancient, 137.
Groos, 119.
Hadfield, Mrs., 32.
Heraclitus, 178.