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Shall call a guardian angel down
To watch me in the battle.

My ſafety thy fair truth ſhall be,
As ſheild and buckler ſerving;
My life ſhall be more dear to me,
Becauſe of thy preſerving
Let peril come; let horror threat;
Let thundering cannons rattle;
I fearleſs ſeek the conflict's heat,
Aſſun'd when on the wings, &c.

Enough with that benignant ſmile,
Some kindred god inſpir’d thee,
Who ſaw thy boſom void of guile,
Who wonder'd and admir’d thee.
I go aſſur’d my life adieu.
The thund'ring cannons rattle;
Tho' murd'ring carnage walk in view;
When on the wings of thy dear love,
To heaven above, &c.

What a Beau my Granny was.

The Ladies all can best approve,
the strict attention of my love.
Though I decry their frippery
the ton the fashions oft did try,
In days of old my Gunny told,
the dress of every lad and lass.
But you shall know before I go,
O what a beau my Granny was,