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In tranſport he gazed upon her,
His happineſs now was complete;
Then praiſed the bountiful Donor,
Who had thus bestow'd him a mate.

She was not ta’en out of his head, Sir,
To reign and triumph over man;
Nor was ſhe ta'en out of his feet, Sir.
By man to be trampled upon.

But ſhe was ta’en out of his ſide, Sir,
His part'ner and equal to be;
But as they’re united in one, Sir,
The man is the top of the tree.

Then let not the fair he deſpiſed,
By man as ſhe is part of himſelf
For woman by Adam was prized.
More than the globe full of wealth.

man without a woman's a beggar,
Suppoſe the whole world he poſſeſs’d;
But a beggar that’s got a good woman,
With more than the world is bleſs’d.