Page:Little fabulist, or, Select fables.pdf/24

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mutually complimenting each other on the wisdom of their respective reflections, a Wolf darted out from a wood upon a flock of Sheep, which were feeding in an adjacent meadow; and without being in the least affected by the moving lamentations of a poor Lamb, devoured it before their eyes. Horrible cruelty! exclaimed the Cat; why does he not feed on vermin, instead of making his barbarous meals on such innocent creatures? Reynard agreed with his friend in the observation; to which he added several very pathetic remarks on the odiousness of a sanguinary temper. Their indignation was rising in its warmth and zeal, when they arrived at a little cottage by the wayside; where the tender-hearted Reynard immediately cast his eye upon a fine Cock that was strutting about the yard. And now adieu moralizing: he leaped over the pales, and without any sort of scruple, demolished his prize in an instant. In the mean while, a plump Mouse, which ran out of the stable, totally put to flight our Cat's philosophy, who fell to the repast without the least commiseration.

F I N I S.

Printed by G Miller, Dunbar.