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fig tree. Both of them were positive and the dispute, was rising to a quarrel: but a third person luckly coming by, they agreed to refer the question to his decision. Gentlemen said the arbitrator, with a smile of great self-satisfaction you could not have been more lucky in your reference, as I happened to have caught one of them last night: but indeed you are both mistaken, for the creature istotally black. Black! impossible! Nay, quoth the umpire, with great assurance, the matter may soon be decided, for I immediately inclosed my Cameleon in a little paper box, and here it is, So saying, he drew it out of his pocket, opened his box, and behold it was as white as snow. The positive disputants looked equally surprised, and equally confounded, while the sagacious repptile, assuming the air of a philosopher, thus admonished them: Ye children of men, learn diffidence and moderation in your opinions. 'Tis true, you happen, in the present instance, to be all in the right, and have only considered the subject under different circumstances: but pray, for the future, allow others to have eye-sight as well as yourselves; and be candid enough not to condemn any man for judging of things as they appear to his owu view.