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“Let all things be done decently and according to order,” Holy Church has surrounded the recitation of her public prayer with a minute code of rules and ceremonies, all inspired by the spirit of reverence. In reciting the Office we should endeavor to make use of the ceremonial she has ordained, as being eminently calculated to help our soul to retain or regain the thought of God’s presence.

1. Kneeling, all say silently the introductory prayer.

2. When the Superior gives the signal (by a tap on the desk), all rise and say in silence the Ave Maria.

3. The Superior, or the Hebdomadary, begins Domine, labia mea aperies, making the sign of the cross upon the lips; then Deus, in adjutorium meum intende, making the large sign of the cross.

At the Gloria all bow the head profoundly.

4. During the Deus in adjutorium the Cantors go to the lectern, where, having genuflected before the altar, and saluted their respective Choirs, they say the Invitatory. This is repeated by the Choirs; the Cantors say the first verse of the Psalm Venite, exultemus, the Invitatory being again repeated by the Choirs; the remaining verses are said by the Cantors, followed after each verse by the Choirs with the Invitatory or a part of it. The Gloria Patri