toward the Superior and says, with a profound inclination of the head, Jube, domne, benedicere, remaining inclined while the Benediction is given by the Superior. All reply Amen; they may be seated while the Reader recites the Lesson.
9. At the end of the Lesson the Choirs started by the Cantors say the Responsory; the Reader says the Versicle as far as the asterisk, when the Choirs continue it.
The first Reader then retires to her place, while the next in order comes out to read the second Lesson, proceeding as described above, and saying the Gloria Patri.
10. The Superior says the last ube, domne, benedicere, and the one next in dignity gives the Benediction. The Superior from her place reads the third Lesson, during which all stand as a mark of respect. The Cantors intone the Responsory; the Superior says the Versicle as far as the asterisk, the Choirs continuing it.
11. The Te Deum is started by the Cantors, all rising. At the Te ergo all kneel, rising at the next verse.
12. At Lauds the Superior begins, making the sign of the cross, Deus in adjutorium. At the Gloria all bow the head profoundly. N.B. This ceremonial is used at all the Hours.
13. If it is found that the reciting note is lowered after several Psalms, the Cantor