Page:Liturgy of John Chrysostom (1866).pdf/28

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their sins, let us beseech Christ, our King immortal and our God, to grant them.

The Choir. Grant it, Lord.

The Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord.

The Priest. O God of the spirits and of all flesh, who hast conquered death, and hast overcome the devil and given life to the world; vouchsafe, O Lord, to grant to the souls of Thy servants departed, N. N., repose in the place of light, of refreshment and of rest, where pain, and sorrow, and sighing are banished. Forgive them, as Thou art the good and merciful God, every sin which they have committed in thought, word, and deed, for no man living is without sin. Thou only art free from sin; Thy righteousness is for ever, and Thy word is truth.

Aloud. For Thou art the resurrection, the life, and the repose of Thy sleeping servants, N. N., O Christ our