Page:Liturgy of John Chrysostom (1866).pdf/38

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they go to the Prothesis, the Deacon preceding, who incenseth the holy gifts, praying by himself and saying,

Lord, have mercy upon me, a sinner.

Then he saith to the Priest,

Master, elevate.

And the Priest, taking up the Aër, layeth it on the left shoulder of the Deacon, saying,

Lift up your hands to the Holies, and bless the Lord.

Then taking the holy Diskos, he placeth it on the head of the Deacon with all care and reverence, who at the same time carrieth the Censer with one of his fingers. The Priest himself taketh the holy Chalice in his hand, and goeth out at the north door, preceded by the Deacon and the lightbearers; and going round the church, they both pray for all, saying,

The Lord God remember all of us in His kingdom, always: now, and ever, and to ages of ages.