tween employers and employed, we know not, for her harangue was cut short by Lucy's adverting to her vigil of the preceding night; and both, sifter duly honouring Mrs. Hyde's notions by performing the prescribed ablutions, retired to bed.
a day at mrs. hyde's.
"wake up, Lucy!" said a kindly voice, and Lucy opened her eyes, and saw Susan Hyde at her bedside wrapped in her little dressing-gown. "Mamma told me to wake you as soon as I was up. By the time you are dressed I shall be ready to show you about the breakfast."
"I am sorry," said Lucy, when they afterward went down stairs together, "to give you this trouble, but I trust once showing will serve."
"Oh! it's no trouble at all. We children have had it all to do ever since Davis was married, three weeks ago. The only disagreeable thing is asking Violet, our new cook, to help bring in the table—she is always so cross in the morning."
"I should not think your mother would keep her if she is so cross to you."
"Mercy! Mamma never sends away anybody for one fault—at least, not till she has tried, and we have all tried, our best to cure it. When we children get provoked, mamma reminds us of what