it plagues me, and to put my band on, and to do everything that you do, and that I can't do."
"Well, do your best, girls — try hard to please father — never, never get out of patience with poor little Jemmie, and always be kind to dear mother — be thoughtful, girls — don't wait till she asks you to do a thing, for you know mother is too apt to do things herself rather than to keep asking and asking — I think, girls, it's the willingness we put into our service that sweetens it to ourselves and to others — you will have a great deal more to do when I am gone; but I shan't be sitting with my hands before me, and what I earn I shall bring home to mother; so, though apart, we are all working for home. Come, mother, let us sit down round Jemmie's cradle and sing our hymns — it won't disturb you, will it, father?"
"No — I don't hear you half the time when you sing."
Singing hymns with her children was Mrs. Lee's habitual Sunday-evening recreation; and never had she seen an hour so dark and disturbed that this exercise did not tranquillize and elevate her spirits. Sometimes Jemmie's thin feeble voice joined the rest, and he attempted now to raise it, but his tremulous tones soon died away; and pressing Lucy's hand which held his, he said, " I can only join you in my heart, Lucy." Mr. Lee fell asleep; and when the singing was finished, Mrs. Lee knelt in the midst of her children, and commended them to the care of their Father in Heaven. Most earnestly did she pray for her who was going forth from the shelter of family love into the world, that in her temptations she might remember Him