RADCLIFFE. 145 in addition to foreign wines. The prince was so pleased with this national repast, that on taking his leave, he addressed Radcliffe in French to the following effect: — "Doctor, I have been fed at other tables like a courtier, but received at yours as a soldier, for which I am highly indebted to you, since I must tell you that I am more ambitious of being called by the latter appellation than the former. Nor can I wonder at the bravery of the British nation, that has such food and liquors of their own growth as what you have this day given us a proof of." In the following year (1713) he was elected Member of Parliament for the town of Bucking- ham, and began now to retire from practice, re- commending Dr. Mead to his patients. During his short sitting in the House, he is recorded to have made two speeches — one in favour of the malt-tax bill, the other in support of the bill to pre- vent the growth of schism. The first began in this manner : — " Mr. Speaker — I am sensible, that tho' I am an old man, I am but a young member, and therefore should defer speaking till my betters have delivered their sentiments ; but young and old are obliged to shew their duty to their coun- try, which I look upon with the eyes of a son to his parent. Crassus's son, that was tongue-tied, spoke when his father was in danger ; and I, who otherwise should have no relish for speech-making, do the same upon the same motive," &c. &c. On the 28th of July, 1714, Queen Anne was seized with the sickness which terminated her life. Radcliffe was at that time not in London, but L