Page:Lives of the most celebrated ancient kings of Scotland.pdf/14

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dom with juſtice for 31 years; being then old and unable to manage alone; he appointed four of his nobles as regents: They, as has too often happened, to enrich themſelves abuſed their power; and the good old King, unable to ſilence the clamours of his ſubjects, by removiug theſe wicked miniſters, died of grief in 762.


Achaius, ſon of Etſin, in the year 788, in whoſe reign the Iriſh made a deſcent upon Kintyre, but were ſoon expelled by the inhabitants, and loſt many ſhips in their return home. They afterwards ſolicited Achaius for peace and friendſhip which was granted them.—Charlemagne, or Charles the Great of France, entered into the ſtricteſt alliance with Achaius, and both nations mutually aſſiſted each other with troops.—Alcuin, a native of Scotland, a man famous in this age for his learning, being Charles’s Preceptor,