Machin (Lewis)—Continued.
Cupid's Whirligig. Lond., 1630. 410.
Hf. mor., Solh., Apr. 12, '93. (234) £2 2s.
MclAN (R. R.). See Logan (J.).
MACINTOSH (D.). Collection of Gaelic Proverbs. Edinb., 1785. Svo.
Cf., Putt., Jan. 30, '89. (589) £16s.
MACKAIL (J. W.). Biblia Innocentium. Lond., Kelmscott Press, 1892. 8vo.
Vel., Foote, Jan., '95. (146) $11.
Vel., Putt., Oct. 31, '98. (171) £5.
Vel., Soth., Mar. 4, '99. (1912) £11 2s. 6d.
Vel., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (890) £27.
Vel., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1352) $105.
Vel., Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (476) $135.
Vel., French, Apr., '01. (891) $120.
Vel., Arnold, Mav, '01. (207) $100.
Vel., Stanley, June, '01. (1307) £18 15s.
Vel., Soth., June 3, '02. (1299) £14 5s.
Vel., Soth., June 3, '02. (1253) £14.
Vel., Fuller, Jan., '03. (440) £10 5s.
Vel., Soth., June 10, '03. (150) £7 5s.
Life of William Morris. Lond., 1899. 2 vols., 8vo.
Cl., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1469) $10.
Cl., Olcott, Apr., '01. (928) $9.
William Morris. An Address. Lond., Doves Press, 1901. 4to.
Vel., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (248) $28.
Vel., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (1466) £3 5s.
Vel., Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (243) $25.50.
Vel., Soth., July 11, '02. (246) £3 6s.
Vel., Conely, Oct., '02. (1077) $25.
Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 16, '03. (99) $59.
Vel., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (1363) £5 5s.
Vel., Soth., May 18, '03. (475) £3 18s.
Vel., Anderson, Dec. 4, '03. (206) $17.
Vel. (with A.L.S. of Cobden-Sanderson laid in), Anderson, Jan. 25, '04. (66) $10.50.
Vel., Anderson, Mar. 16, '04. (194) $16.
**0n vellum.
Vel., unc, Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (1364) £15 10s.
Vel., Peirce, Mar., '03. (4) $120.
Vel., Peirce, May, '03. (455*), $125.
Vel., Crampon, May, '04. (117) £7.
MACKAILE (MATTHEW). Account of the Moffet Well in Annandale. Edinb., 1664. 8vo. (With 6 pages of manuscript in a contemporary hand, inserted), Auchinleck, June, '93. (352) £16s.
MACKAY (CHARLES). Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. Lond., 1841. 3 vols., 8vo.
Thorns, Feb., '87. (820) £15s.
Cl., unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (3059) £3 2s. 6d.
Hf. cf., Growther, Nov., '93. (449) £1 5s.
Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (3131) $6.75.
Hf. cf.. Bangs, Dec. 17, '96. (365) $6.75.
Hf. cf.. Bangs, May 19, '98. (327) $6.38.
Hf. cf.. Cox, Apr., '99. (642) $13.50.
Hf. mor., m.e., Hornby, Apr., 1900. (311) £16s.
Hf. cf., Dayton, Apr., '02. (953) $8.40.
McKEE (THOMAS J.). Catalogue of Library. Parts 1 to 5. N. Y., 1900-2. 5 vols., 8vo.
Paper, (priced in ink), Anderson, May 23, '02. (46) $7.50.
MACKELLAR (PATRICK). Correct Journal of the Landing of His Majesty's Forces on the Island of Cuba. Bost., 1762. 8vo.
Brinley, Mar., '79. (240) $12.
Sewed, Hunt, Nov., '91. (1982) $10.
M'KENNEY (T. L.). AND HALL (James). History of the Indian Tribes of North America. Phila., 1836-44. 120 colored plates. 3 vols.. fol.
Field, May, '75. (1444) $90.
Mor., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (1618*) $108.
Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Ives, Mar., '91. (684) $85.50. Soth., May 13, '92. (781) £12 10s.
Hf. mor., g.e., Foster, June, '94. (1332) £5 15s.
Cf., g.e., Soth., Feb. 5, '98. (303) £7 2s. 6d.
Hf. mor., g.e.. Bangs, Nov. 20, 1900. (516) $54.
Hf. mor., g.e., Balcom, Feb., '01. (1383) $105.
Hf. mor., g.e. (in 6 vols.), Lincoln, Oct., '01. (1201) $93.
Hf. mor. (rubbed), Cresson, May, '02. (132) $69.
Hf. mor. (title to Vol. 1 mended), Polock, Mar., '04. (625) $78.