LONGFELLOW 77 LONGFELLOW Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth) — Con. Bds., unc. Crampon, June, '96. (2S4) £2 16s. Bds. (one cover gone), Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (1317) $12. Bds., unc, Libbie, Nov. 3, '99. (675) $6.25. Bds. (a few pages slightly water stained), Roos, Mar., 1900. (406) $5.50. Bds., unc, McKee, Nov., 1900. (415) $12. Bds., unc, Arnold, Jan., '01. (371) $24. Orig. bds., unc, Libbie, Mar. 5, '01. (701) $18. Mor., g.t., unc. Bangs, Mar. 19, '01. (348) $22.50. . Bds., unc, Dayton, Mar., '02. (939) $12. Bds. (backs damaged), Anderson, May 14, '02. (178) $17. CI., Anderson, May 20, '02. (213) $10. Bds., unc. (cracked,) Whipple, Apr., '03. (681) $20. Mor., g.t., unc, Anderson, Apr. 30, '03. (180) $22. Bds., unc, French and Chubbuck, Feb., '04. (1135) $18. Kavanagh. Bost., 1849. Svo. CI., unc. (presentation copy), Wil- liams, May, '93. (409) £15s. Mor., unc, Foote, Nov., '94. (149) $6. CI. (presentation copy to T. W. Par- sons), Anderson, Mav 14, '02. (180) $22. CI., unc. (presentation copy), "UTiipple, Apr., '03. (688) $22. Keramos. Bost., 1878. 12mo. CI. (A.N.S. inserted), Foote, Nov., '94. (169) $7.25.
- Large paper.
Bds., unc, Roos, Mar., 1900. (435) $5. Manuel de Proverbes Dramatiques. Portland, 1830. 12mo. CL. Rogers, Jan., '88. (836) $23. Mor., unc, Foote, Nov., '94. (127) $10.50. CL, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (1309) $10.50. Bds., unc, Roos, Apr., '97. (968) $5.50. Bds., unc. (Bierstadt copv). Bangs, Mar. 13, '99. (318) $6.75. CL, unc, Roos, Mar., 1900. (399) $11. CL, unc. (cover soiled), Averv, Oct., 1900. (792) $9. CL, unc, McKee, Nov., 1900. ( 1143) $5. CL, unc, Arnold, Jan., '01. (360) $12. Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth) — Con. CL, unc. Bangs, Mar. 22, '01. (208) $11. CL, unc, Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (522) $16. Masque of Pandora. Bost., 1875. 16mo. CL (A.D.S. inserted), Foote, Nov., '94. (165) $5.25. CL (with autograph receipt for copy- right inserted), Arnold, Jan., '01. (416) $5.50. Michael Angelo. Bost., 1884. 4to. CL, Rogers, Jan., '88. (876) $5.50. Mor., unc, Foote, Nov., '94. (173) $17. Le MInistre de Wakefield. Bost., 1831. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Foote, Nov., '94. (129) $19. Mor., g.e. (Foote copy). Bangs, Feb. 3, '96. (552) $11. Bds., Arnold, Jan., '01. (362) $52. Bds., Anderson, Oct. 2, '02. (145) $42. Bds., Bangs, Nov. 24, '02. (489) $43. Bds., Anderson, Jan. 5, '04. (165) $34. Miscellaneous Poems from the U. S. Literary Gazette. See Miscella- neous Poems. Noel. Camb., Mass., 1864. 12mo. Mor., unc, Arnold, Jan., '01. (403) $55. Noel. Trans, into English by J. E. Norcross. Phila., 1867. 4to. Paper, unc (presentation copy to J. R. Lowell, from J. E. Norcross), Lib- bie, Mar. 25, '96. (788) $6. Paper, unc. (preceding copy resold), Roos, Mar. 12, 1900. (429) $9.50. Paper, unc. (presentation copy to O. W. Holmes from J. E. Norcross), Roos, Apr., '97. (1038*) $6.75. Novelas Espanolas. Brunswick, 1830. 12mo. Paper, Rogers, Jan., '88. (833) $6. Mor., Foote, Nov., '94. (124) $11.50. Bds., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (1308) $10. Bds., Roos, Apr., '97. (967) $5.50. Bds., Bangs, Mar. 13, '99. (317) $7. Bds., Roos, Mar., 1900. (398) $9.50. Bds., Avery, Oct., 1900. (793) $5. Bds., Arnold, Jan., '01. (357) $12.50. Bds., Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (541) $18.50. Bds., Peirce, May, '03. (853) $15. Outre-Mer. Nos. 1 and 2. Bost., 1833-34. 2 parts, Svo. CL (in 1 vol.), Leon, June, '86. (485) $14.