SMITH 191 SMITH Smith (Joshua Hett)— Continued. which led to the Death of Major Andre. N. Y., 1809. ISmo. Cf., Manson, Feb., '99. (113) $10.25. Sheep, Clark, Jan., '01. (81) $8. Sheep, Bangs, Oct. 28, '01. (25) $21 Sheep, McKee, May, '02. (4444) $12.50. Record of the Trial of Joshua Hett Smith. Morrisania, 1866. 8yo.
- Large paper.
Paper, unc, Poole, May, 1900. (935) $5.12. SMITH (JOSHUA TOULMIN). The Discovery of America by the iNortn- men in the Tenth Century. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Hf mor., g.t., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (1858) $5. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Cooke, Dec, b6. (2310) $9.50. CI., Murpny, Mar., '84. (2305) $6.50. SMITH (JOSIAH). The Character, Preaching, etc. of Rev. George Whitefield. Phila., 1740. 8vo. Sewed, Henkels, Oct. 29, '95. (o99) $22. SMITH (J.) AND WATTS (I.). The Magistrate and the Christian. Lond., 1722. 8vo. Soth., July, '02. (25) £7. SMITH (M.). Complete History of the Late American War. Lexing- ton, Kv., 1816. 16mo. Of. (name on title), Betts, Apr., 01. (1067*) $18.50. Leather (leaf torn), Anderson, Apr. <, '02. (887) $11. Geographical View of the British Possessions in Nortn America. Bal- timore, 1814. 16mo. Of., Bangs, Mar. 20, '95. (60) $1<. SMITH (RICHARD). Trial of Trueth, or who should be Judge between the Reformed Churches and the Rom- ish. Lond., 1591. Svo. Cf., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (873) £16s. SMITH (R. A.). Scottish Minstrel. Edinb., R. Purdie, n.d. 4 vols., 8vo. Mor., g.e. (manuscript corrections by Sir W. Scott), Soth., Jan. 19, '99. (380) £2 10s. Hf. mor., unc. (in 3 vols.), Henkels, Mar. 6, 1900. (140) $6. SMITH (R. MURDOCK) AND POR- Smith (R. Murdock)— Continued. Cher (E. A.). Discoveries at Cy- rene. Lond., 1864. Fol. Hodgson, May 18, '87. (301) £15s. Soth., Feb. 16, '89. (437) £117s. Leighton, July, '96. C201) £116s. Davis, Nov., 190u. (298) £113s. SMITH (ROBERT). Detection De- tected. Lancaster,' 1757. Svo. (Cut close at top). Miller and Banc- ker, Dec, '98. (464) $9. SMITH (SAMUEL). History of New Jersev. Burlington, 1765. 8vo. Cf., Roche, Oct., '67. (1311) $52. Mor., Morrell, Jan., '69. (460) $50. Mor., g.t., unc. Rice, Mar., '70. (2084) $200. Cf., Field, May, '75. (2188) $31. Mor g.t., unc. (Rice copy), Menzies, Nov., '76. (1859) $125. Cf. Brinlev. Mar., '80. (3627) $25. Mor., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (2134) ^O r- Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (2312) $30. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (2324) $26. Mor., Stevens, July, '86. (475) £8. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (2310) $35. Cf., Putt., Jan. 28, '9L (371) £3 5s. Mor g.t., unc. (Rice-Menzies copy), Ives, Mar., '9L (93^) $200. Cf., Dillwyn, Oct., '93. (19) £10. Sheep (corner torn from title, George Bancroft's copy with his bookplate, autograph and marginal notes), Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., 95. (280) $20. Soth., June 18, '96. (566) ^£6 10s. Sheep, Deane, Mar., '98. (3304) $16. Cf. (cracked). Bangs, Mar. 21, '01. (38) $4 Mor ' gt, unc. (Rice-Menzies-Ives copy); Weeks, Mar., '02. (306) $410. Cf., weeks, Mar., '02. (307) $30 Mor., g.e.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (308) $35 Mor.,' g.e.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (309) (to/? Cf re Weeks, Mar., '02. (311) $26. Mor., Putt., Mar. 26, '02. (474) £6. Sheep (presentation copy to Joseph Bloomfield from S. J. Smith), Mc- Kee, May, '02. (4674) $35. Mor., g.t, Peirce, Mar., '03. (681) Sheep, Bangs, Mar. 16, '03. (607) $20.