STEWART 247 STILES Stewart (A. T.) — Continued.
- Large paper.
Vel., unc, Browne, Mar., '99. (539a) $10.50. Vel., unc, Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (571) $8.50. STEWART (DUGALD). Collected Works. With Supplement. Edinb., 1854-60. 11 vols., 8vo. Cf., Stewart, Apr., '88. (1535) £2 1Ss. Cf., g.t., Coleridge, May, '96. (1407) £115s. Hf. cf., g.t., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (274) $12.10. CI., Sherman, Jan., '98. (1060) $5.50. Hf. cf., g.t., Henkels, Jan. 30, '99. (221) $16.50. Hf. cf., g.t., Clive, Jan., 1900. (271) $13.20. Collected Works. Edinb., 1877. 11 vols., 8vo. Cf., m.e., Soth., June 1, '97. (670) £2. STEWART (DUNCAN). Account of the Royal Family of Scotland and of the Surname of Stewart. Edinb., 1739. 4to. Cf., Craig, Mar., '88. (4732) £2 6s. STEWART (D. W.). Old and Rare Scottish Tartans. Edinb., 1S93. 4to. Lamb, Feb., '98. (1184) £2 4s. Kermack, Nov., '99. (443) £115s. STEWART OF GOODTREES (SIR James). Jus Populi vindicatum. N.p., 1669. 8vo. Cf., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (592) £17s. STEWART (JAMES). Plocacosmos, or the Art of Hair Dressing. Lond., 1782. 8vo. Hf. cf., g.t., unc, Turner, June, '88. (2566) £114s. Hf. bd., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1612) £118s. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Fraser, Apr., '01. (1602) £2 12s. Hf. vel., m.e., Wylie, May, '01. (283) £2 6s. STEWART (JAMES). Discovery of America. See Trumbull (Henry). STEWART (WILLIAM). University of Glasgow, Old and New. Glasgow, 1891. Fol. Unc, Sdth., Dec. 17, '92. (661) £2 STEWART (WILLIAM H.). Cata- logue De Luxe of Modern Master- pieces Gathered by W. H. Stewart. N. Y., 1898. 2 vols., 4to. Paper, Bangs, Jan. 26, '99. (12) $12. Paper, Bangs, May 8, 1900. (1121) $11.75. Paper, Bangs, Mar. 18, '02. (40) $6. STICKNEY (JOHN). Gentleman and Lady's Musical Companion. New- buryport, 1774. 8vo. Cf., Thayer, Feb., '98. (208) $5.50. STICKNEY (M. A.). Memoir of the Descendants of William and Eliza- beth Stickney. Salem, 1869. 8vo. CL, Guild, Nov., '87. (1987) $5.25. CI., Libbie, Jan. 29, '96. (929) $5.25. STIFFORD. Parish Registers of Stifford. Privately printed, 1885. Fol. Vel., Putt, July 20, '98. (120) £1 5s. Vel., Howard, June, '02. (259) £3. STILES (EZRA). History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I. Hartford, 1794. 12mo. Hf. cf.. Field, May, '75. (2273) $7.50. Hf. cf., r.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (1914) $15. Sheep, y.e., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5108) $10.50. Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (2380) $13. Sheep, Murphy, Mar., '84. (2411) $17. Sheep, Coburn, Apr., '88. (2071) $13. Cf., y.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (951) $25. Mor., g.t., Hunt, Nov., '91. (2760) $16. Sheep, Deane, Mar., '98. (3395) $8.50. Mor., g.t.. Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (481) $19. Cf., g.e., Manson, Mar., '99. (4108) $13. Sheep (lacking portrait), Arnold, Apr., 1900. (251) $8. Sheep, Bangs, Nov. 12, 1900. (286) $8 Cf., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (743) £5 10s. Sheep, Bangs, May 20, '01. (276) $17.60. Cf. (one leaf torn across), Libbie, June 4, '01. (1167) $8.50. Mor., g.t, Dayton, Apr., '02. (1605) $11. Sheep, McKee, May, '02. (4685) $10. (2 copies, 1 uncut, also Dr. Hough's publication of John London's Affi- davit, etc., 1855, and prints, etc.,