THACKERAY 325 THACKERAY Thackeray (W. M.) — Continued. 01., Hutt, May, '89. (2432) £114s. Of., g.e., Soth., Dec. 8, '90. (444) £1 4s. CI., Putt.. Mar. 1, '93. (136) £1 5s. CI., Stogden, May, '94. (234) £12s. CI., Burgess, May, '94. (1016) £1 Is. CL, Hope, Apr., '96. (1423) £2 12s. CI., Shaw, Feb., '97. (472) £1 5s. CL, Libbie, Jan. 18, '99. (1010) $6. CL, Bangs, May 3, '99. (664) $7. Mor., g.t., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (3310) ?6. CL, Grant, May, 1900. (475) £2 2s. Cf., g.t, French, Apr., '01. (1582) $15. Orphan of Pimlico. Lond. or Phila., 1876. 4to. Hf. roan. Hunt, Nov., '91. (2871) $7. Hf. mor., g.t., Alexander, Mar., '95. (3921) $9. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (plates in dupli- cate, one set colored). Cox, Apr., '99. (957) $32. Mor., g.t., unc. (plates in duplicate, one set colored), Daly, Mar., 1900. (3367) $55. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (plates in duplicate, one set colored), Hornby, Apr., 1900. (561) £15 10s. Hf. mor., g.e. (plates in duplicate, one set colored), Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (150) £4. Hf. mor., g.e. (plates in duplicate, one set colored), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1244) £5 5s. Our Street. Lond., 1848. 4to. Orig. bds. (colored), Hussey, May, '87. (429) £114s. Orig. bds. (colored), Martin, Mar., '88. (1080) £14s. Mor., g.t. (colored: orig. front cover bound in), Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (2105) £5 10s. Orig. bds., g.e. (colored), Sinclair, Apr., '90. (241) £1 6s. Of., g.e. (colored; orig. cover bound in), Hunt, Nov., '91. (2856) $75. Orig. bds. (colored), Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (1574) £13s. Mor., g.e. (colored; orig. cover bound in), Anderson, May, '92. (219) £3 3s. Of., g.e. (colored). Burgess, May, '94. (1018) £lls. Of., g.e. (colored), Pinkney, May, '95. (384) £lls. Mor., g.t. (colored; orig. cover bound Thackeray (W. M.) — Continual. in), Soth., July 14, "96. (376) £1 17 s. Orig. bds. (colored), Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (530) £112s. Orig. bds. (colored), Bangs, May 19, '98. (544) $11.25. Orig. bds.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (584) $5.50. Mor., g.t., unc. (plates in duplicate, one set colored), Daly, Mar., 1900. (3314) $26. Orig. bds., g.e. (colored; back gone), Harvey, June, 1900. (648) £116s. Bds. (colored), Anderson, Oct., 1900. (467) £18s. Mor., g.e. (plates in duplicate, one set colored; orig. cover bound in), French, Apr., '01. (1586) $45. Cf., m.e. (autograph poem by Thack- eray, commencing " Although I enter not, Yet round about the spot Some- times I hover," etc., on last leaf; with Doctor Birch and his Young Friends, Lond., 1849, bound in), Soth., Apr. 8, '03. (166) £131. Paris Sketch Book. Lond., 1840. 2 vols., 8vo. CL, Hutt, May, '89. (2427) £8 8s. CL, Putt., July 17, '89. (1155) £7 5s. Mor., g.t., unc, Johnson, Jan., '90. (981) $56. CL, Kenyon, Mar., '90. (79) £8 15s. CL, Hunt, Nov., '91. (2852) $68. CL, Houle, Dec, '91. (531) £15. CL, Glasse, July, '92. (47) £8. CL, Dennis, Dec, '92. (854) £13. Cf., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (616) £4 7s. 6d. Cf., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (983) £6 10s. CL (p. 258 and plate facing it dam- aged), Burrard, Jan., '96. (1404) £5 10s. Cf., g.t., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (887) $50. CL, unc, Blanchard, May, '98. (1706) $26. CL, Bangs, Oct. 17, '98. (448) $30. CL, Soth., Nov. 3, '98. (248) £4 15s. Hf. mor., m.e., Soth., Nov. 3, '98. (249) £118s. CL, Bangs, Dec 1, '98. (549) $19. Mor., g.t., unc, Cox, Apr., '99. (942) $66. Hf. mor., g.e.. Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (889) $34. CL, French, Apr., '01. (1580) $102.