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The flame to allay that their beſoms did ſo burn.
They ſet out for the church of St. Andrew in Holburn,
Where tonfors and trulls, country Dicks and their couſins,
In the halter of wedlock are tied up by dozens.
The nuptials to grace, came from every quarter
The worthies at Rag-fair old caxons who barter,
Who the coverings of judges and counſellors’ nobs
Cut down into majors, queues, ſcratches, and bobs:
Muſcle-mongers and oyſter-men, crimps & coal-heavers.
And butchers with marrow-bones ſmiting their cleavers;
Shrimp-ſcalders and bug-killers, taylors and tylers,
Boys,botchers, bawds, balifls,andblack-pudding boilers.
From their voices united ſuch melody flow’d.
As the Abbey ne’er witneſs’d, nor Tott’nham Court road;
While St.Andrew’s brave bells did ſo loud and ſo clearring.
You’dhavegiventen pounds to’ve been out oftheir hearing.
For his fee—when the parſon this couple had join’d,
As no caſh was forthcoming, he took it in kind:
So the bridegroom diſmantled his rev’rence’s chin,
And the bride entertain’d him with pilchards and gin.