Page:London in 1856 by Cunningham, Peter.djvu/11

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CONTEXTS. PASS . Introdvctoey IIixts axd Suggestion's . ix II. Palaces of the Soveeeigs axd Household Offices 1 ui. HorsES OF THE Prikcipal Nobilitt axd Gextby . 8 IV. Paeks axd Pcblic Gardens 26 v. Houses of Paeliamest 36 VI. The Thames axd its Bridges, Thames Tuxxel, Pool AXD Poet of Loxdcx 42 VII. GOTERXMEXT OFFICES 40 VIII. COJTMERCIAL BUILDIXGS AXD DoCKS Gl IX. Markets 73 X. Breweries » . 77 XI. "^atee Compaxies 7S XII. Sewerage 79 XIII, TOVTEE OF LOXDOX 81 XIV. Churches 94 XV. Cemeteries 132 xvr. Courts of Law axd Justice 136 XVII. Ixxs of Court axd Chaxcery 141 xviii. Prisoxs, Pexitextiaries. axd Places of Executiox, 147 XIX. Permaxext Free Exhibitioxs . , . • • 1j1