Page:Lord Acton and his circle.djvu/13

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Lord Acton and his Circle
Pages ix-ixxxviij

Letters of Lord Acton

1. Lord Acton associated with Mr Richard Simpson in the management of the Rambler—Not to be the organ of any one school of thought The true

notion of a Christian State Reviewing

Page 1
2. Acton's attitude towards "converts"— Manning and Hope—Need of saying new and startling things Foreign politics and English journals Page 8
3. Buckle's History of Civilization Newman and the Rambler Page 11
4. Wiseman's Last Four Popes—Rambler article a special gratification to the Cardinal Buckle's History superficial Page 12
5. Meeting of writers at Aldenham—Buckle to be "thoroughly shown up—"Dalgairns' pamphlet on Mystics Page 14
6. Desires a series of critical articles Some subjects suggested Page 15
7. A journey to Paris—Buckle and the Quarterly—A French translation of Döllinger—Simpson's paper on Brownson—Gladstone on Homer—Meynell and his Bishop—Origen against Celsus Page 17
8. Simpson's article on Buckle—English philosophic systems—Carlyle—The Simancas papers about Mary Stuart Page 20
9. Donoso Cortes—Theology not a stationary science—New materials for the life of St Charles Borromeo—Healy Thompson's life of the saint Page 23
10. Dr Maguire on the Analecta—Merits of Jaffe's great work Page 26
11. Danger of dislike of prayer—A warning against intellectual contempt of fellow-Catholics—Döllinger's commonsense exposition of doctrine Page 29
12. Acton's paper on "Buckle"—Proposed union of the Dublin with the RamblerThe Atlantis Page 30
13. The editing and publishing of the Dublin ReviewRambler and Dublin to run together—Döllinger's visit to England Page 32
14. More negotiations for the Dublin—Dutch pamphlets at the Hague—A passage "likely to offend" Page 33
15. Dollinger in London—St Augustine—Simpson on Original Sin Page 34
16. Eckstein's paper on Guizot—"Combe's Phrenology" and "William Harrington"—Carlyle's Frederick II of Prussia Page 36
17. Döllinger on "The Paternity of Jansenism"—State of theological studies in England Newman's approval Page 37
18. Union of the Dublin and the Rambler still discussed—Proposal that Newman shall have the direction—Simpson's letter to the Cardinal Page 38
19. Montalembert—Simpson's philosophy—A review of Carlyle Page 40
20. Montalembert's condemnation—Simpson on Whewell—Plan of uniting with the Dublin abandoned—Proposed "quartering" of the Atlantis Page 42
