Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/60

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Arrival in India and Social Life at Calcutta

Lord Amherst took with him to India his wife, his son Jeff (whose acquaintance we have already made), and his daughter Sarah. The party started from Southampton on March 15, 1823, in the Jupiter, seventy-four guns. Lord Amherst was only just recovering from serious illness, and the early part of the voyage was one of great suffering. His horoscope was certainly not propitious to his fortunes as a traveller, for in an excursion from Funchal a kick from a horse sent the convalescent Governor-General back to his bed. Later they called at Santa Cruz and at Rio de Janeiro—doing ample justice at both places to the marvels and beauty of the tropical scenery. At Rio they found the King of Portugal, and for a second time Lord Amherst made the acquaintance of that singular Court.

On July 18, 1823, they reached Madras, landing in state. Lady Amherst describes the scene:—

'Lord Amherst walked with the members of Government into the Fort; Sarah and I got into a carriage and four, and