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§ 10. We shall define a varied motion of the electric charges by the quantities and we shall also vary the quantities , so far as can be done without violating the connections (25) and (26). The possible variations may be expressed in and four other infinitesimal quantities which we shall presently introduce. Our condition will be that equation (12) shall be true if, leaving the gravitation field unchanged, we take for and any continuous functions of the coordinates which vanish at the limits of the domain of integration. We shall understand by , , the variations at a fixed point of this space. The variations are again determined by (13) and (14), and we have, in virtue of (26) and (25),

If therefore we put


we must have

It can be shown that quantities satisfying these conditions may be expressed in terms of four quantities by means of the formulae


Here and are the numbers that remain when of 1, 2, 3, 4 we omit and , the choice of the value of and that of being such that the order can be derived from the order 1, 2, 3, 4 by an even number of permutations each of two numbers.

§ 11. By (31), (36) and (37) we have


Here, in the transformation of the first term on the right hand side it is found convenient to introduce a new notation for the quantities . We shall put

