- Book of the Sibyl.
- The twelve Patriarchs, i. e. the testaments of the twelve sons of Jacob.
- The Prayers of Joseph.
- The Ascension of Moses.
- Eldad, Modad.
- The Psalms of Solomon.
- The Mysteries of Elias.
- The Seventh Vision of Daniel.
This is essentially the list of the Sixty Books, substituting the Sibyl for Lamech, omitting the Testament of Moses, and replacing the last four items by the Seventh Vision of Daniel.
3. A second list in the same writer's chronicle, under the year 1085, mingles some apocryphal titles with the Canon of the Old Testament, viz.:—
- The Vision of Enok—probably a late document (translated by Issaverdens).
- The Testaments of the Patriarchs.
- The Prayers of Aseneth.
- Tobit, Judith, Esther.
- Ezdras Salathiel (i. e. 4 Esdras).
- (Job, etc.).
- The Paralipomena concerning Jeremiah Babylon (i. e. the Rest of the Words of Baruch).
- Deaths of the Prophets (a version of the Pseudo-Epiphanian Lives of the Prophets).
- Jesus Sirac.
This list consists entirely of books which still exist. The Prayers of Aseneth seems to take the place of the Prayer of Joseph in the former list.
The above lists include nearly all the names which will concern us. Some notice, however, will have to be taken of other writings attributed to some of those whose names occur in the lists, e. g. Moses, and of books fathered upon, or relating to, Eve, Seth, Noah, Ham, Melchizedek, Hezekiah, as well as the ancient Persian king Hystaspes; and a collection of the passages which early writers have quoted without naming their source.