The Lost Galleon.
The trains were waiting outside the walls,
The wives of sailors thronged the town,
The traders sat by their empty stalls,
And the viceroy himself came down.
The bells in the tower were all a-trip,
Te deums were on each Father's lip,
The limes were ripening in the sun
For the sick of the coming galleon.
All in vain. Weeks passed away,
And yet no galleon saw the bay.
India goods advanced in price,
The Governor missed his favorite spice,
The Señoritas mourned for sandal,
And the famous cottons of Coromandel.
And some for an absent lover lost,
And one for a husband—Donna Julia,
Wife of the Captain, tempest-tossed,
In circumstances so peculiar—
Even the Fathers, unawares,
Grumbled a little at their prayers,