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Page:Lost Galleon (1867).djvu/48

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The Reveille.

"But when won the coming battle,
What of profit springs therefrom?
What if conquest—subjugation—
Even greater ills become?"
But the drum
Answered, "Come!
You must do the sum to prove it," said the Yankee-answering drum.

"What if, 'mid the cannons' thunder,
Whistling shot and bursting bomb—
When my brothers fall around me,
Should my heart grow cold and numb?"
But the drum
Answered, "Come!
Better there in death united, than in life a recreant—Come!"

Thus they answered—hoping, fearing,
Some in faith, and doubting some,
'Till a trumpet-voice proclaiming,
Said, "My chosen people, come!"
Then the drum,
Lo! was dumb,
For the great heart of the nation, throbbing, answered, " Lord, we come!"