resembling: 60 (IV. iii. 257)
respects: 100 (V. ii. 790)
rhetoric: 27 (II. i. 227)
right: 93 (V. ii. 566)
russet: 86 (V. ii. 414)
sain: 32 (III. i. 88)
Saint Denis: 74 (V. ii. 87)
salve: 32 (III. i. 86)
saucers: 54 (IV. iii. 98)
saucy: 4 (I. i. 85)
saw: 105 (V. ii. 930)
school of night: 60 (IV. iii. 255)
sense of sense: 81 (V. ii. 260)
sensible: 81 (V. ii. 260)
sensibly: 33 (III. i. 119)
sequent: 49 (IV. ii. 145)
several: 27 (II. i. 221)
shape: 21 (II. i. 59)
shrewd: 71 (V. ii. 12)
shrows: 72 (V. ii. 46)
significant: 34 (III. i. 137)
sirs: 58 (IV. iii. 212)
sit out: 5 (I. i. 110)
slop: 52 (IV. iii. 59)
small (adv.): 4 (I. i. 86)
small (noun): 95 (V. ii. 643)
sneaping: 4 (I. i. 100)
snuff, in: 71 (V. ii. 22)
sod: 44 (IV. ii. 23)
solemn: 75 (V. ii. 118)
sore: 46 (IV. ii. 59)
sorel: 46 (IV. ii. 60)
sorted: 10 (I. i. 258)
sound: 86 (V. ii. 393)
special grace: 6 (I. i. 151)
specialties: 25 (II. i. 164)
spleen: 32 (III. i. 80); 75 (V. ii. 117)
squire: 89 (V. ii. 475)
stand: 37 (IV. i. 10)
staple: 65 (V. i. 19)
state: 57 (IV. iii. 185)
states: 87 (V. ii. 426)
statute-caps: 82 (V. ii. 282)
stay: 102 (V. ii. 843)
still: 21 (II. i. 50); 42 (IV. i. 120)
stoop: 54 (IV. iii. 89)
strains: 100 (V. ii. 768)
strange: 65 (V. i. 6)
strooken: 59 (IV. iii. 224)
subscribe: 1 (I. i. 19)
suddenly: 23 (II. i. 110)
sue: 87 (V. ii. 428)
suggested: 100 (V. ii. 778)
suggestions: 6 (I. i. 157)
sun: 64 (IV. iii. 369)
superscript: 49 (IV. ii. 137)
sworn out: 23 (II. i. 104)
sympathized, well: 31 (III. i. 54)
tables: 83 (V. ii. 327)
tabor: 70 (V. i. 165)
taffeta: 76 (V. ii. 159)
talent: 46 (IV. ii. 65)
task'd: 75 (V. ii. 126)
teen: 56 (IV. iii. 164)
text B: 72 (V. ii. 42)
tharborough: 7 (I. i. 183)
thine, be: 41 (IV. i. 110)
thrasonical: 65 (V. i. 14)
three-pil'd: 86 (V. ii. 408)
thump: 31 (III. i. 68)
tongue: 80 (V. ii. 243)
toothdrawer: 94 (V. ii. 619)
toys: 56 (IV. iii. 170)
trencher-knight: 88 (V. ii. 465)
treys: 79 (V. ii. 233)
trip and go: 49 (IV. ii. 147)
triumviry: 52 (IV. iii. 53)
Troyan: 95 (V. ii. 636)
tumbler's hoop: 36 (III. i. 198)
tune: 56 (IV. iii. 168)
turn sonnet: 18 (I. ii. 193)