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love and its hidden history.

etc., the blood-vessels are warmed. Heat expands; the channels widen, disgorgement occurs, and the fluid blood carries the semi-solid angular globules somewhere else, and the shoulder agony is exchanged for knee torture, — only that, and nothing more; for we never get rid of rheumatism till the blood globules change their form, which they will only do when supplied with the deficient elements, or the excessive ones are withdrawn. And so with every other form of disease known to man. No patient ever yet died of cholera, or yellow fever, to whom chlorylle and phosodyn elixir were administered before death seized on him! No one ever yet died of consumption who was treated on the principles herein laid down.

It is well, too well, known what slaves mankind are to alcohol, opium, and tobacco. Why? Because the globules are retained by the blood in a multi-angular shape, and the effort to regain their normal form, when the victim tries to burst his bonds, is exceedingly painful. But suppose these victims take proper means to change their abnormal state for a few weeks. What then? Why that angularity is gradually and painlessly removed by a chemico-dynamic operation on the blood, and the victim is released from his gyves forever. Not one such effect can be produced aside from the principles here set forth.

It makes not the slightest difference to me who applies these principles practically, so long as their application works toward human redemption from the thrall of disease. Had I the capital to put my discoveries before the world, and in every household, I would be content to die, that man might live; but I am unable to do it, for all that I have ever saved has up to this hour been spent in perfecting what I religiously believe to be the purest and best system, and most perfect the world ever yet saw; and this not for gain alone, but because I solemnly believe that certain forms of disease affect the human soul , and waste it, and that these effects are not soon vastated or gotten rid of even beyond the grave. I also know that the system I have wrought out will cure these special forms of disease, and of both of these things I am as certain as that I know my Creator lives and reigns triumphant beyond the starry sky that bends above our heads! In the light of these new principles, I affirm that potassa will cure the bites of mad dogs, rattlesnakes, or any other animal poison, administered at any time