Page:Love and its hidden history.djvu/63

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love and its hidden history.

upon her fine nerve aura; and many a suffering woman there is, who, feeling conscious that her life is being drained, and dreading the disgrace of a judicial or other separation, makes up her mind to bear it and die. Now this is not right or necessary, because her negative state alone is the cause of it, and to live, defy the raid upon her life and health, and become positive to the vampirous onslaught, is entirely within her power, because magnetic and electric positive states are as easily inductible in human bodies as in steel filings. She lacks oxygen, phosogen, — the proximate element of life, — phosphorus, iron; and the chances are that her despair and disease — for such a woman is almost death-sure to have nervous complaints, obstructed or profuse menses, leucorrhea, prolapsus of the uterus, and a score of other vaginal, nervous, and uterine troubles beside, often attended with a strong desire to "get religion" — proceed, whatever may have been the original producing cause, — proceed, I repeat, from morbid chemical states of her body, frequently indicated by the excessive quantity of various acids and salts therein; which fact may easily be verified or gainsaid by chemical tests, very easily made, and which, when made, are perfectly decisive and conclusive on that point. I defy any man or woman to be contented, loving, or happy, whose body is loaded down with slime, algoid vegetations along the various canals of the body; parasites in the intestines, liver, heart, brain or stomach (there are four and twenty species of entozoic parasites which find their natural habitat in the alimentary canal of man); ulcers in the veins, digestive organs, head, vagina, testes, womb, prostate gland or heart; or if the blood be loaded with spores, metallic atoms in excess, or wrong kinds, acids, alkalis, salts of various kinds, and earthy phosphates in excess, sugar, albumen, or vegetable fungi, — and I here repeat that hundreds of people live lives of wretchedness from such physical causes, who imagine them wholly mental. If such ones would but test the matter, destroy all morbid life within them by appropriate chemical and medicinal means, bring up the nervous tone and energy by means of the right kind of breathing, sunshine, fresh air, ablutions, music, exercise, and varied employment, the graveyards would be less thickly populated. I have known hundreds of such people effectually restored to pristine vigor and magnetic power by such means.