Page:Love and its hidden history.djvu/79

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love and its hidden history.

by legitimate scientific tests, the presence of morbid matters in the system, and as the processes are simple and easy, besides being quite inexpensive, seeing that for the sum of ten dollars every family may provide itself with the entire chemical apparatus, agents, reagents, and even a microscope of forty diameter power, and by following the rules here laid down, be able to demonstrate the character of any malady of the nature of those we have been mainly considering, namely, those of the nervous, sexual, and urinary systems, — the very ones that are sure to be more or less deranged under abnormal states of the love-nature of both sexes;and when these organs and functions are restored to normal health, normal power is the direct result; for with that restoration come the elements of will, courage, resolution, and force of character; for when all is right in that department the resisting power, both mental, moral, and physical, is right also; if these sections of human nature are wrong, then the whole immortal being is unhinged; by the presence of a grain of poison in the blood, or morbid life (parasites, etc.), all of which sustain themselves by consuming and appropriating the magnetism and electricity of the body, and therefore rob the mind of its pabulum, the victim is not him or herself in any sense of the word.

Now, a very summary method of finding out some of the causes of physical prostration and morbidity is to take a portion of the urine first discharged after a night of sleep or rest, having previously provided the apparatus above mentioned, which is comprised in a half-dozen watch crystals, test-tubes, spirit lamp, gravity vial or urinometer, and a few chemicals and testing-paper. After standing a few hours the urine may present any one of a dozen suspicious appearances; it may be colorless, or too highly colored. The specific gravity, which in a healthful state seldom falls below 1003′, or above 1030′. If it prove to be between 1015′ and 1025′ no particularly diseased state is indicated; but if it ranges from 1025′ to 1045′, — on the authority of the best living chemist, the result of whose experiments I am here giving, — you may regard the patient as laboring under a more or less positive diabetic condition, for a high specific gravity is absolute proof of the presence of sugar; but to remove all doubt let the urine stand awhile, and if diabetic a whitish scum will rise upon its surface. Now take a spoonful of the urine and mix with