Page:Love in Hindu Literature.djvu/89

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sensational and metaphysical, poles. Probably this dual- ism of human science arising from the dualism of human life is eternal and will never be finally solved. Prof. Krafft-Ebing has announced in his Psychopathia Sexualis: " Sexual feeling is really the root of all ethics, and no doubt of aestheticism and religion." While this extreme doctrine of every high sentiment as being nothing but sublimated sexuality is being opposed by the neo-Kantian school of "Pure Reason" and "Practical Reason," mortals must pay the positivists their due in the follow- ing words of Whitman :

" I accept Reality and dare not question it, Materialism first and last imbuing. Hurrah for positive science ! long live exact de- monstration ! Gentlemen, to you the first honour always ! Your facts are useful, and yet they are not my dwelling, I but enter by them to an area of my dwelling."

Advocacy of the right of sex is thus only a deduction from the recognition of the rights of " sense-man." It is, however, not blind to the mysteries of " untold life," of life's immensities, of the " Everlasting Nays " i.e., the fundamental question of human "personality," the "ego," the self the atman. It only leaves those questions open. It is even prepared to appreciate the " prag, matic " efficacy of the postulating of the " spirit "-man- of faith in a Divine Order of the Universe, and of the conceptions of immortality, re-incarnation, etc. It would thus not be inconsistent to hold with Matthew Arnold :

"Man hath all that Nature hath, but more, And in that more lie all his hopes' of good."