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sausages. He places these on a plate, arranging them in an effort to make them appear as a hearty meal. Linton watches him eagerly between his fingers.)

Benn (setting the plate on the table before Linton).—It's not much but it'll stay you.
Linton (falling to).—Thanks. I don't suppose there's a drop in the bottle.
Benn.—Oh, I forgot. (he hesitates and then adds, uncomfortably). There is a drop in the bottle but she said this morning that she 'ad a mind to mix 'erself a good 'ot toddy to-night and see if it would drive the cold out of 'er.
Linton.—I'm glad she's going to do that. She doesn't half take care of herself. It would be a very bad thing if she got down sick.
Benn.—Pretty bad for us, eh?
(They look at each other and laugh rather shamefacedly.)